Saturday, March 25, 2017

Revelation 10:9

So I went to the angel and said to him, “Give me the little book.”  And he said to me, “Take and eat it; and it will make your stomach bitter, but it will be as sweet as honey in your mouth.”

  • ·        In Ezekiel 3:1-3, the prophet was also commanded to eat a scroll, the revelation of God to Israel. “This figure of eating the book is familiar, and suggests the feeding of the soul on the Word of God.” (Morgan)

  • ·        Any effective communicator of God’s Word has experienced both the sweetness and bitterness that is associated with His Word  (DG)

Jeremiah 15:16  Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by Your name, O Lord GOD of hosts.

Ezekiel 2:8  But you, son of man, hear what I say to you, do not be rebellious like that rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you.

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