Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Revelation 22:15

But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practice a lie.

·         What about those outside? We shouldn't think that outside the walls of heaven multitudes will throng, longing to get in. "The verse does not intend to teach that in the eternal state all manner of wicked men will be living just outside the heavenly city. It simply describes the future with the imagery of the present." (Mounce)

·         Why does it say that all dogs will be outside? Is this is a refutation of the idea of "doggie heaven"? No, what is meant here is "Not literal dogs, but the morally impure … Dogs in the Oriental cities are scavengers and excite unspeakable contempt (Matthew 7:6; Philippians 3:2)." (Robertson)

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