Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hiding from the Terror of God and the Wrath of the Lamb

13 The stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs…14 Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up…15 The kings of the earth, the great men…and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and…mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! (Rev. 6:13-17)

A. Sky: The sky will recede (split, divide, move back) as a scroll. God will cause the sky to roll back, thus opening a window to see into heaven so that the worldwide leaders may witness it.

B. Face: They will cry out to be hidden from His face. We cry out to see His face. The martyrs cried, "Avenge us" and the wicked will cry, "Hide us".

C. Stars: Asteroids and meteor showers hitting the earth. The Greek word for stars used here is “aster” from which we get the word asteroid. An aster refers to any shining mass in the sky, including stars, comets, meteors, asteroids, or any flaming debris, etc.

D. The diameter of the earth is nearly 8,000 miles. Our sun is a small star which is over 800,000 miles in diameter (100 times larger than the earth). One star hitting the earth would destroy it, thus the kings would not flee to the mountains. Stars lost light in the fourth trumpet (Rev. 8:12).

E. Hide: Powerful world leaders are pictured as hiding both from God’s face as well as the asteroids coming on the earth as an expression of Jesus’ wrath. Isaiah prophesied of people hiding in the caves starting in the sixth seal (Isa. 2:10, 21, 19).

F. A meteoroid is much smaller than an asteroid ranging anywhere from a fraction of an inch to 10 yards across weighing a few grams (interplanetary dust) up to 50 tons (Hoba meteorite). Up to 50 meteorites hit the earth daily. However, 70% occur over the ocean with another 25% occurring over uninhabited lands leaving only 1-10 each day that have the potential to be seen.

G. An asteroid capable of global disaster would need to be over a quarter-mile wide. One that large would raise enough dust into the atmosphere to create a "nuclear winter".

H. Meteoroids will bombard the earth as a fig tree losing its figs when strong winds blow on it. John saw men hiding in caves to escape the debris falling from the sky as a part of the wrath of the Lamb. This intensifies later when 100 pound hailstones fall in the seventh bowl (Rev. 16:21).

I. Said to the mountains: Many of these kings and great men will be worshippers of the Antichrist. In my opinion their cry involves the occult (praying in the high places for protection not death).

J. As God guided David’s stone to hit Goliath, so He will guide these stones (meteoroids) to stone the infrastructure of the Antichrist who is the eschatological giant.

K. This is not the Second Coming. At the end of the Armageddon campaign they are emboldened to make war against Jesus instead of hiding from Him in the mountains (Rev. 19:17-21).

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