Monday, June 8, 2009

Purpose of Judgment Series

Judging the Antichrist: destroying the Antichrist’s resources and discrediting his leadership by showing his inadequacy to solve the crisis. God’s judgments will cleanse the earth (Zech. 13:2).

Winning the harvest: some will be moved to cry out for salvation as they observe believers accurately prophesying the crisis events. The judgments will remove the false props that they lean on and warn the lost as they face the reality of eternity in witnessing the death of so many.

Directing prayer: provides prophetic insight to direct the prayer movement (Rev. 8:3-5)

Vindicating the saints: who stood faithful in their love for Jesus and the truth (2 Thes. 1:7-10)

Preparing the Church: in understanding so they have confidence by knowing what is coming next and why. The judgments signal the certain victory that is soon to come for God’s people. Unbelievers will be filled with fear and confusion.

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