Monday, April 6, 2009

Technology Trends Indicating the End Times

Globalization: an alarming and observable trend is globalization and the manner in which finances, commerce, communication, religion, and geopolitics will converge from a nation-based context to a more globally unified expression (Rev 17-18). There will be one-world technology, economics, political cooperation, travel and info. Nations and religions will pool resources.

Knowledge and travel (Dan. 12:4): Daniel prophesied of a remarkable increase of knowledge (communication) and travel (transportation) as many “run to and fro” to obtain it.

Internet: has allowed knowledge to increase in the earth in an unprecedented way. Science and scientific advancements are currently fueling immorality (gender change, abortion) and murder (stem cell research, cloning) as clarity decreases in the ethical debate (Rev. 9:21).

Instant communication: satellite transmission with robotics, laser technology, instant global communication with microchip technology to facilitate a cashless society, etc. (Rev. 13:13-18).

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